February 27, 2014 – Bestbuy Distributorsʼ 60th Annual Shareholder Meeting was held in Mississauga at The Westin Bristol Place Toronto Airport on February 21tst, 2014.
President Jeff Van de Sande and Chairman Dale Devlin had the honour of announcing and presenting the 2013 Horace J. Pratt Award (Supplier of the Year) to VISION-OE, in recognition of their excellence in service, sales performance and support. Terry Howard and Chris Holder were on hand to accept the award. The organization also presented its annual contribution to support The Family Heart Centre at the Hospital For Sick Children in the amount of $35,000.00. Dr. Robert Hamilton, Director of Cardiology was on-hand to except the donation. Bestbuy has been supporting this worthy cause since 1986 and has contributed in excess of $680,000.00.
A highlight of the AGM was the annual dinner, which included The Jerry Enns Comedy Hypnosis Show. There was a strong turnout of 185 for the Friday evening cocktails and dinner. The crowd was highly entertained as volunteers from the audience succumbed to Jerry Enns “spells”.

Shareholders from across Canada proclaimed their 2014 Board of Directors. Bestbuyʼs returning Board Members are Chairman, Dale Devlin of Halton & Hamilton Automotive; Vice-Chairman Doug Squires, Colonial Auto Parts & A.P.M. Limited; Secretary/Treasurer Don Harvey, Central Transport Refrigeration; Claudio Sceppacerqua, The Young Automotive Professionals; Brad Nahorney, Sapphire Auto (IDL); Ghazi Mankal, Canadian Auto Parts Suppliers; Gino Morelli, Pièces dʼauto G.C.M. and Scott Manz of Den-Paul Distributors.
During the evening, Bestbuy had the pleasure of formally welcoming Roger Gould of George Solomon & Sons, a new Bestbuy Shareholder. Mr. Gould was presented with the Bestbuy Code of Ethics plaque. Bestbuy also presented Service Recognition Awards to: McNeil Auto Supply, 25 years; Auto Magic, 25 years; Dash Distributors, 20 years; The Young Automotive Professionals, 20 years; Horvath Auto Corp., 10 years and Camions Lague Inc., 10 years.
The weekend also featured the AGM Trade Event at Bestbuyʼs head office and warehouse. Over eighty vendors were on site ready to discuss their new business developments with shareholders.
For more information, please contact Karen Barkin at Bestbuy Distributors (905) 673-1227.
Bestbuy Distributors Limited
3355 American Drive
Mississauga, ON L4V 1Y7
Tel: (905)673-0444
Fax: (905)673-8833